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Hello, Leo Season!

22/07/2024 | Thea Sass-Ainsworth

Leo season roars in during the dog days of summer, when the season is at its very peak of heat and bloom. After the intense vulnerability and deep feelings of Cancer season, we might all be a little worn out on exploring our inner worlds and examining emotions. Leo season harnesses the rays of the summer sun that shine bright like spotlights—it’s a time to be confident in who you are, to create without fear and hesitation, and to live boldly, passionately, and proudly. 


Leos are known for their flair for the dramatic, their radiant charm and their natural leadership abilities. To put it simply—Leos shine. As fire signs, Leos are inherently passionate, energetic, and possess an innate confidence. This is a sign who loves to have fun and make jokes—their joie de vivre is infectious. Leo is ruled by the sun, around which our planet rotates. Like the sun, we can bask in the warm and comforting rays of Leo, but also it can feel like the whole world revolves around them. More than any other sign, Leos thrive on external attention and validation, and do well in the spotlight. While others might tremble at the thought of all eyes on them, this is where a Leo is most likely to flourish. This can mean, of course, that Leos are well suited to careers in the arts, or on grand scales of public recognition, but for many Leos it’s about being admired and appreciated in little, banal ways. For Leo, feeling special every day is crucial, and when they’re thriving, they shine all of that warmth and attention to the people around them they love. During Leo season, those of us who might normally avoid the public eye or attention might crave more praise or validation than usual. Even if this feels uncomfortable, it’s a good thing! Words of affirmation and well-deserved acknowledgement can give us the fire we need to pursue our dreams and be who we most want to be.


Leos can sometimes seem vain, dramatic and ego-driven. Being definitively proud and confident can inevitably lead to ego meltdowns, easily hurt feelings, and a reticence to share the spotlight with others.  For Leo, it’s important to learn that they don’t always need to the center of attention, and that  cultivating their internal worlds and sense of self in tandem with their fiery confidence builds strong connections with others.  Because really, all Leo wants is for everyone to be living their best lives alongside them. If you’re someone who is used to putting other people’s desires ahead of your own, Leo season is a wonderful time to practice being the star of your own life, while exploring what kind of external validation we need. 


Leo is represented by the lion, an animal that symbolizes regality, pride, and courage. Like the lion, Leos are known for their bravery, particularly when it involves creativity and self-expression. They know that what they have to say is important, and have the confidence to roar it into existence. Leos do well in entrepreneurship, the performing arts, and almost always have a bold sense of style. Leo’s natural regality and authority can sometimes come across as bossy, but Leos are most likely in a group to step up and make a decision, to create fun out of thin air, and to charge in to save the day. They are loyal lovers and friends, and love to cultivate relationships that are artistically and creatively inspired. This is a great time of year to dig into dormant creative projects, to release things that you’ve been too afraid to show the world, or to have a simple spontaneous summer adventure with a loved one. And to do it all with pride, confidence, and aplomb. 


Leo energy can be tough for people who are more naturally reserved and intuitive, but at its best, Leo season exudes a powerful warmth and generosity. Leos refuse to accept failure, and contain deep wells of courage that are theirs to manifest. Leo season offers us the freedom we need to take charge, to express ourselves boldly, and to bravely move through the world in the ways that we wish to.  This could look like finally singing your favorite song at karaoke, dying your hair the color you were worried was too crazy, to standing up to injustice and speaking loudly about what you believe in. We all have a story to share, and wisdom to impart.


During this time of year, you can remember that you aren’t the center of the universe, but you are the ruler and the star of your life. A lot is uncertain in the world right now, and it can be difficult to remember that we all have power, and deserve all of the admiration and love that we need. This Leo season brings us the confidence and courage that we need to inspire faith in ourselves, and the vision we have of the world. Shop our Leo Season collection to get passionate, bold and creative, just like this vibrant fire sign. 

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